Expansion of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan BPU Membership through Marketing Mix Strategy and Regulation


  • Rekson Silaban Badikenita Studi Kajian Strategik Global (SKSG) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia




expansion of membership, BPU, JHT Program, JKK, 2045, marketing, mix, regulation


Implementation of the social security system in Indonesia has entered a new era, in line with the implementation of Law no. 40 of 2004 on Social Security System (Navigation) and Law No.24 of 2011 on Social Security Agency (BPJS), one of which is where the mandated implementation of the national social security system. This study aims to do a comparison of the Indonesian social security system and how the expansion of its participants with marketing mix strategy and regulation. Analysis was performed on workers not wage (BPU). The analysis was performed on the program, promotion, distribution, amosunt of dues, processes, actors, and physical evidences, regulation, and provision of an age limit of 56 years. The study shows that the application of the social security system by the method of marketing mix and regulation will have a broad effect on the expansion of membership. Their overall strategy and emphasis through the regulation will affect the expansion of the BPU coverage. The addition of the age limit for BPU will increase the number of participants.


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How to Cite

Rekson Silaban Badikenita. (2023). Expansion of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan BPU Membership through Marketing Mix Strategy and Regulation. Jurnal Jamsostek, 1(1), 87–104. https://doi.org/10.61626/jamsostek.v1i1.9


