Determine the Competency Development Strategy of Labor Social Security Practitioners


  • Naufal Mahfudz PT Bogor Life Science andTechnology (BLST), Indonesia



AHP, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Competence, SAST, Social Security Practitioners


The purpose of this research is to map out the most important and most certain strategic assumptions related to the management of the competence of labor social security practitioners, and to determine the strategies that will be applied in developing the competence of labor social security practitioners at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Primary data were obtained from questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) involving 13 respondents who were experts on employment social security. The data processing and analysis technique uses the Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST) method to identify the strategic assumptions underlying the determination of the competency development strategy of the labor social security practitioners, and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the priority of the competency development strategies. This study found that the variable of information technology advancement in supporting the competency development process of labor social security practitioners is a very very important and very very definite strategic assumption that influences the determination of competency development strategies for labor social security practitioners. This study also found that the alternative strategy considered to be the primary priority is implementing the technical professional competency standards of employment social security.


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How to Cite

Naufal Mahfudz. (2024). Determine the Competency Development Strategy of Labor Social Security Practitioners. Jurnal Jamsostek, 2(1), 80–91.


