The Nation’s Commitment in Old Age Insurance for Workers


  • Chazali H. Situmorang Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia



Society or Nation, 1945 Constitution, Old Age Insurance (JHT), regulations


The existence of a nation is to fulfill multiple needs and wants, that requires the people to work together in order to fulfill their needs – as they could not fulfill it has individually. Thus, based on each person’s skill, each of them has their own tasks and works together to fulfill their needs. This unity is called society or nation. In a sovereign nation framework based on the 1945 Constitution, one of them is to provide social security for every citizen Social security is also stated in the 1948 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and further emphasized in the International Labour Organizations Convention No. 102/1952. Aligned with those regulations, the Indonesian Parliament (MPR-RI) in TAP No. X/MOR/2001 assigned the President to create the Nasional Social Security System (SJSN) to provide an integrated and comprehensive social security. Indonesia, as a part of the global world, has signed numerous world conventions and must be held accountable in improving the social welfare and protection for its citizens. In the implementation of JHT-SJSN, the findings are: (1) the nation’s commitment has been relatively weak; (2) the regulations have been inconsistent; (3) the regulations have multiple interpretations; and (4) the advocacy and socialization have not been maximised. These findings are interconnected with each other. The first, second, and third findings are based on the same subject, which are Regulation No. 46, No. 60, and the Labour Minister Regulation No. 19/2015, that were cascaded from the SJSN Act. The fourth finding is subject to the efforts of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan must intensify the advocacy and socialization of JHT philosophy and benefits for workers, so that they can age gracefully. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Management has to create the necessary system and operational procedures.


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How to Cite

Chazali H. Situmorang. (2023). The Nation’s Commitment in Old Age Insurance for Workers. Jurnal Jamsostek, 1(2), 144–155.


